Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Minds Want To Know!

Let me just say Happy Thanksgiving to you all my friends. All two of you! LOL. Anyway, I was wondering about Thanksgiving and what it means to you. Here's a few things to think about and maybe discuss here.

What is/are your favorite Thanksgiving.....


dessert or dessert recipe?

foods you can no longer have because someone that made it, is now gone?



TV shows?


Let me know what you are thinking! I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to share any recipes or stories you'd like here!


1 comment: said...

A few of my favorite things for Thanksgiving:

Movie: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
Snoopy is a big inspiration in the kitchen. If there's one thing that anyone who likes to cook needs to know it's to make the best with what you have and if it's all you have make the best out of it!

Food I can't have anymore: My Grandma's Tamales. Tamales were (are) a family tradition during Thanksgiving. Along with the usual Turkey, Green Beans, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Grandma would make Frijoles, Rice, and Tamales. We'd pretty much eat tamales through Christmas. Grandma's tortillas and menudo were 2 other foods that made appearances during Thanksgiving but menudo was a rare one.

Favorite activity: spending time with cousins doing whatever like playing basketball or football or just hanging out.

TV SHOW: Macy's Parade. Those balloons were the best weren't they?