Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olive Garden

Sunday was a great day for us. We were blessed enough to have someone we love pay for us to go out to eat and it was a great meal. It was a special day because it was Cheli's birthday and she's one of our favorite people too. She makes us laugh and is just one all around great young lady. We love her very much. It was so good to spend the afternoon with our church family and eat great food. I had Grilled pork tenderloin marinated in extra-virgin olive oil and rosemary. It's usually served with Tuscan potatoes and bell peppers but I had it with sauteed vegetables consisting of yellow squash and zucchini with some other herbs. Since I'm currently on a low carb diet this was a perfect entree to have. Of course I saved my full carb load for the cake afterwards. I'm still losing about a pound every day and a half so I'm on point. The food was great. The pork was marinated in a rosemary sauce and had a sprig of rosemary pushed down into it. I enjoyed it very much. The carrot cake afterward was also very tasty. A wonderful meal with wonderful family and friends after a blessed day at church.....It really doesn't get any better here on earth.


Jehu Hernandez said...

We did have a great time, didn't we? The food was great and the fellowship was even better!

lisoto said...

I'm glad everyone had fun! miss you guys!!!