Tuesday, October 13, 2009

GUEST REVIEW Menard Bakery & Deli - By the Red Headed Stranger

So in your travels anywhere south to southeast in Texas you will probably go through Menard. Most of the time we cruise on through because hey, there is nothing to see or do there so why slow down. But one day this summer we decided we had nowhere to be soon so we stopped to browse an old drugstore on Main Street. After spending a whopping 5 minutes in the drugstore we spot the Menard Bakery & Deli across the street. Our plan to picnic quickly thrown out the window, we decided to have some lunch. Stepping inside we immediately spotted the fresh baked goodies and of course Carlos quickly honed in the “surprise brownies.” If there is a brownie anywhere within a 5 mile radius Carlos will spot it! We were seated and we thought for a minute we would just indulge in something sweet from the goodie case but after perusing the menu we found, of course, something yummy and ordered lunch. I ordered the Chicken Cado Salad which is a salad with avocado stuffed with chicken salad. I am telling you this is a super salad!!! Served with ranch dressing and all the crackers you could want, this tasty salad had carrots, lettuce, avocado, and chicken salad. It was super yummy! Carlos also had the pigs-n-a-blanket and he said they were great. Fresh baked pigs in a warm blanket…yum!!! He finished with, of course, the brownie which he raved about to the owner who came by to chat with us and after which the owner’s mom, the baker, came over to give him the recipe. I love small town friendly people who are willing to share instead of keep the great recipes to themselves. I also had the buttermilk pie which was delicious! The owners Vickie and her mom Jerry were the nicest people and they have great plans for the bakery and deli and hope to be open longer once deer season gets here. Everyone was so nice and it was a treat to just visit with such accommodating people. A town that was once a place most of us breeze through now should be a place you stop in on purpose just to eat at the Menard Bakery & Deli.

When you go, just know:
The hours are currently 7am-5 pm Monday to Friday and 8am-3pm Saturday. The number is 325-396-3333 and the address is 114 San Saba Street in Menard (just turn left off the main drag onto San Saba and you will see it on the left).

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