Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10, 2008 Community Cafe

Community Cafe is a place I've been wanting to try for some time. I had heard numerous reports about Chef Henry Wiens' cuisine and how great the new "hospital" food was. I'll tell you that I wasn't disappointed. Chef Henry hosted my friend John and I for lunch today. The menu consisted of Chicken Fideo Casserole, Beans, Rice and a deep fried jalapeño with cheese. I had never actually eaten a deep fried jalapeño before and it was most excellent. The breading was crisp and not in the least bit greasy. The melted cheese inside was warm and slowly oozed when I bit into the jalapeño. The Chicken Fideo was also a great mixture of spices, cheese, and noodles. Everything melded together quite well and was seasoned perfectly in my opinion. Chef Henry let us know that he has a preference for a bit more heat but he'd hear no complaints from me. I'm sure that a little more heat would have been wonderful but it was just great the way it was. Beans and Rice rounded out the meal and were cooked very well. The rice was just moist enough for me and had great Spanish flavor. The pinto beans were also cooked to perfection with a thick broth that would have been soothing on a cold day in winter. Even though it is summer everything provided here was very tasty and with some more research I'm sure this place is going to be in my top 10 very soon. The peanut butter cookie was also very good and I'm just sorry I missed the French silk pie. It's one of my favorites. Chef Henry was very accommodating and took care of our every need. Thank You Chef for a great lunch! We'll be back with our friends and family. Trust me folks this place is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Check out the menu here: http://www.sacmc.com/services/food_nutrition/ and note the hours of operation. Enjoy!

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