Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Taj Mahal Bakersfield California

If there is anything I can say about my boss Sam it's that he has a knack for expanding your mind and goes the extra mile to expose you to cultural things that for me have otherwise gone unnoticed. With that being said, Taj Mahal was an experience for me that was interesting. I had never had Indian cuisine. The restaurant is in a strip mall and the proprietors are dressed with traditional turbans. They had a buffet and a TV that had on the latest music videos from India. The buffet had quite a few different food items on it and everything was really colorful. There was Chicken Curry, lentils, garbanzo beans, Mamosa (don't know if I'm spelling that right) it was like a Chinese wonton with potatoes and peas in it. My favorite thing there was the Tandoori Chicken. This chicken was grilled and had a bright orange hue. I'm a huge fan of almost anything that's grilled, BBQ'd or smoked so this went over very well for me. The other thing that I enjoyed was the flat bread. I think it was called Naan. It's like a long tortilla but a little thicker. Very tasty. I almost wanted to ask for some butter! LOL. Basmati rice (Bright yellow) with fragrant herbs was also a hit. I can say it was very different and I found some things I liked and some I didn't but at least now I know what I enjoy. I was pretty full so I didn't get to try the cauliflower potatoes together. All I can say is that you'll do yourself a favor by giving other foods a try. I may have to try to get a recipe for that Tandoori Chicken. I think most of you would love it! I didn't get to see how much it cost. My boss took care of it. I'm enjoying my time here. The scenery is great but it's just somehow missing my family's faces that would make it so much better. Just a few more days! See you soon.

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